Nov 23, 2009

Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree!

Phil felt ambitious this year and wanted to get the tree put up this last weekend because he's on call this week, which means this weekend he's going to be gone a lot. It's so funny, or maybe it's sad :) because we have had the same tree and ornaments for the past 8 years now. The tree is even a hand-me-down from my parents which means it's had a good 10 or 15 years before that. It is always so much fun putting the tree up with the kids and seeing how much they love it. I am excited for the Christmas season and the chance I have to spend it with my cute little family.

1 comment:

K+N+N+A said...

SO true! I remember doing that with my dad. It was just whenever he was able to come home. :) Go, Phil!

We love you and hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Nicole (and Kevin and Noah)