Nov 6, 2009

Funny Stuff!

A quick overview for understanding the following stories:
I don't know why, but for some reason I HATE (and always have) the 4 letter 'F' word for flatulence . Maybe because it sounds crude to me and maybe because I grew up being respectful by not making any bodily functions in front of anyone, including family (TMI haha!). So I have taught my kids not to say that word either. Okay...

When I picked Parker up from preschool he said that one of the boys in his class said a bad word. He told me that he wanted to tell me, but he was afraid to. He was acting really nervous like this kid had said something so awful. I told him that's okay that he didn't have to tell me. But he said, "But I want to tell you, but I'm scared." So I told him it's okay he could tell me if he really wanted to and he wouldn't get in trouble. Parker squirmed, hesitated for a minute or so, then covered his mouth and whispered, "Nolan said fart."

Gracie came home from school and told me that a boy in her class whispered in her ear the "F" word. (Here is where my jaw dropped to the floor.)
Me: "THE 'F' WORD!?!"
Gracie: "Yeah, the 'F' word (pause, pause, pause) you know, for gas."
Me: "OOOOOHHHHH!" (Trying oh so hard to not bust out laughing.)
Gracie: "So I told my teacher."
Me: "So what did you tell her?"
Gracie: "I told her that Matthew said the 'F' word."

Oh my heck these kids make me laugh!

1 comment:

Brianna said...

We have "toots" in our family, cause it's just not right for girls to say the "F-word"... hey, I'm raising little ladies here!

P.S.- Sorry about the novel I just left on your "Low moment" post. ;)