Nov 23, 2009


Phil taught Gracie and Parker how to play checkers tonight. Gracie picked it right up! Parker tried hard to get it and with a little more practice I'm sure he'll do great! Parker has a lot of determination!


AmyPoll said...

LOVE that picture!!!

Mark, Holly and Boys said...

OK, we might be your worst friends EVER! I forget to check anyone's blogs that aren't on my dashboard (yours can't be since it's private I guess) I just scrolled through the last few months of posts - CONGRATULATIONS ON SUCH A FREAKIN' CUTE BABY BOY! All 3 of your kiddos are so beautiful. Hope SD is treating you well. Let us know if you're coming to UT, ok? Merry Christmas!

Bonnie said...

Hey Mandi could you email me your new address? Thanks!