Jul 7, 2010


Gracie has taken a Hip Hop dance class this whole last school year and has absolutely loved it.  She has really grown in rhythm and courage!  It has been her dream to perform on stage and she got to do just that on June 4th!  We were SO proud of her!  That is such a scary thing to get up on stage in front of hundreds of people and perform.  She was nervous for the first dance, but once she completed it, she loved it and was gun ho for the other 2.  I was SO nervous for her.  #1 because I knew she was nervous and it hurt me that she felt like that and #2 because that is something I would not be comfortable doing and I couldn't believe my daughter was going to do it.  I was actually so nervous that I started crying in anticipation to her arrival on stage.  But she really danced her heart out and "her dream came true!"  They wouldn't let us take pictures or video tape because they wanted us to buy theirs (which we did of course), but here is Gracie in her costume posing at home.  Isn't she the cutest thing ever?!  Oh, and I must note that she is going through a phase that she has to give the "peace sign" in every picture I take.  :)

11 months and unfortunately still counting...

*(@ 10 months) I was upstairs with Chase and I forgot to shut the gate to the stairs and he fell down them!  I about died!  I cried for hours!  Chase was okay thank heavens, just shook up a little.  One of my mom's first thoughts was it was a good thing it was me that forgot to shut the gate and not Gracie or Parker because they probably would have gotten yelled at and sent to their room for the day.  (She has a point!)
* He has the funniest laughs - a normal belly laugh, a deep clear-your-throat type of laugh, and a high pitched hoarse laugh of which he sounds like he's lost his voice (and in my opinion the silliest of them all.)  All of them are definitely contagious!
* He has 8 teeth and the bottom 2 molars are coming in right now.
* Stands up and walks along everything, including my legs while I'm in the kitchen cooking.  He even lets go and stands for a few seconds.
*He's into EVERYTHING!
* He opens drawers and cupboards.
*Loves to open and close doors.
*He has made cute little bite marks all over his crib railing where he pulls himself up.
*Loves to push a big car around on the floor.  He crawls with it like he knows exactly what he's doing and what the car is supposed to do.  I think he's so smart! :)
*He's definitely starting to understand what "No" means, but chooses to not give up on whatever he's got his mind on.  
*June 23rd copied me and said "All done."  (FIRST WORDS!)
*June 24th copied me and said "Ah Oh."
*Wants to be in the middle of what Gracie and Parker are doing. {SO CUTE!}
*Yesterday he held the phone up to his ear.
*In the last month he has started growling when he gets mad and doesn't want or like something.  The growling is now often accompanied by trying to bite me.  Of course me, because I am the one that usually safely removes him from something he shouldn't be in and boy does he hate that!
*A few weeks ago I was holding him and he bit my shoulder.  It broke the skin and left a welt and a quarter sized bruise.  OUCH!
*Plays tug-of-war with Oscar.  He grabs one end of Oscar's toy and Oscar grabs the other and they both pull.  It is hysterical.  I am amazed at how Oscar is instinctively gentle with Chase.  Chase will hang on for dear life even if it means Oscar pulls him flat out on his stomach.  We love to watch!
*Has gotten into the habit of going to bed at night, but wanting to get up shortly after and play for 3 more hours.  We have (without consciously realizing it at first) encouraged this because it's when he gets his second wind and is so giddy and funny.  We're afraid he's caught on and it's becoming a nightly ritual.  Guess we better nip it butt real quick! :)

I can't believe he is learning all of these knew things.  This last month has definitely been the biggest month for his growth and understanding of things. He continues to be the sweetest little baby despite his "naughty" personality sometimes. :)  I hate to say it out loud, but it's my prediction that he is going to be very strong willed and mischievous.  I'm afraid all he'll have to do though is look at us with those eyes and he'll be off the hook. :)