This morning...
Parker's brushing his teeth and Gracie walks in and sees him licking the top of her toothpaste.
Gracie: "Your dead Parker!"
{Gracie pushes Parker off the stool.}
Parker comes out and whines to me: "Gracie did it a million purposes!"
{Parker goes back in the bathroom.}
Gracie starts yelling: "OW, OW, OW!!!"
Me: "You guys, get along!"
Gracie: "He hit me with his tooth brush like 50 times!"
Parker: "You're lying!"
I LOVE starting my mornings like this! What happened to the good old days when they got along so well!?! I've been in denial that we'd ever hit this stage. But WHAM, here it is! :)
Parker was frustrated about something and said, "Why did Jesus have to send me to this world?!"
I signed the kids up for soccer and when I told them their team names, this is how it went:
Me: "Gracie you are on the Beetles and Parker you are on the Cheetahs."
Parker: "Gracie, Cheetahs EAT Beetles!"
Gracie was reading me a book that she's using for a report she's preparing to write and Parker wanted to see the pictures so he was trying to get close to her.
So Gracie says, "Parker, you're in my space!"
Okay, seriously...she's 6!
I said to her, "Gracie, you're 6, you aren't supposed to have space yet." :)
Today at school some girls were telling Gracie that they love Justin Bieber (the most popular teen singer for the time being...apparently) and Gracie had no clue who he was. Well she came home from school and coincidentally Justin Bieber was on Oprah, which I had turned on. Well of course there's a bunch of little girls on there screaming for him and googling over him. So Gracie decided to jump on the bandwagon.
Gracie (in her well practiced teeny-bopper/Valley-girl voice): "I love Justin Bieber. He's so hot!"
Parker (dead serious): "Have you felt him before?"
Gracie has been asking for a dog Pillow Pet for her birthday and keeps asking me if I got her one. Well, yes I did order her one on the Internet over a month ago, but of course I'm not going to tell her that. So I was bathing her and she says to me, "Okay, I'm reading your mind and it's telling me that you got me a Pillow Pet." I said, "Oh really?!" She then sits there for a second and says, "Okay, I'm reading your mind again's tellin' me nothin'!
Gracie's class was putting on a little play today called 'The Ugly Woodpecker.' Before school we were talking about it and Parker says, "I don't get it. So do they just dress up like an old pecker?" Haha!
We were driving in the car and a 'Toyota' commercial came on the radio.
Parker: "Mom, did they say Toyota?"
Me: "Yes."
Parker: "What is Toyota?"
Me: "It's the name of a car."
Parker: "Does it have a picture of Yoda on it?"
Me: "No."
Parker: "Well does it look like Yoda?"
{Get it? Toy-Yoda! Haha!}
Parker: "Gracie, do you hate Obi Wan?"
Gracie (with attitude...of course): "NOOOO-A"
Parker: "Oh, because I had a dream that you hated Obi Wan because of his mustache."
I can always count on my grandkids for a gooooooood laugh.
That's hilarious! I love that you write down the funny things your kids say!
You are so good at keeping up with what your kids say- do you just have a fabulous memory or so you keep a notebook with you to jot these little gems down? Plus I LOVE LOVE LOVE the picture of the kids- so adorable!
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