Feb 18, 2010

31 Candles! Call the fire department!

Dang, I am getting old! My mom and dad and sister Shanan flew in to town on the day of my birthday. What an awesome birthday present!!! I haven't spent my birthday with family for 5 years, so this was really exciting. My mom brought, decorations and yes, 31 candles with her because she knew how much that would mean to Gracie. So thoughtful! I decided for my birthday I wanted to stay home and watch the premier of LOST! I know, lame huh?! NOT! Totally exciting! We enjoyed some cake and ice cream too though of course! Except for my mom and Shanan who are watching their figures! :) The next night we went out to dinner though. We went to the Texas Road House which I love. However, I've never been there for a birthday, nor have I seen anyone there having a birthday before. So I'm watching our waiter and he wheels out what appears to be a saddle on a "thrown". No joke, I was thinking what could that be for? Then BAM like a brick, it hit me and I realized they're going to want me to get on that thing! Sure enough! I thought I was going to die of embarrassment. I said no way am I getting on that, but all eyes possible were on me and I didn't want to be a party pooper. So I swung my leg over that thing and there I sat as my waiter YELLED, "This is Mandi and she just turned 31! Can everybody give her a YEEEEEHAW?!" Then in unison the entire restaurant YELLS, "YEEEEEHAW!" Oh my goodness, pure embarrassment! Afterward Shanan told me that I nearly hit the table behind me with my leg as I was mounting the saddle. LOL!! One word, unforgettable!

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