May 23, 2009

Parker's Preschool Graduation

Parker graduated from preschool today....well at least for this year. He still has one more year of preschool, but this is his last year with Miss Alisha. :( We love Miss Alisha and are so grateful for all that she has taught Parker. Graduation was so fun! They said the Pledge of Allegiance, sang Macarana Months and Days of the week, signed the alphabet, recited some nursery rhymes, and received an amazing book of accomplishments they've made throughout the year. Miss Alisha said something positive about each kid in her classes. She said that Parker is loyal because he will stick up for his friends no matter what and he always makes sure his friends are okay and taken care of. I think on the flip side of that, it could mean if you aren't his friend, then watch out! :) We are proud of you Parker! You have grown so much this year!


Alisha and Josh said...

Oh, how excited I am to see that you have a blog...that way I can keep in touch and up to date with all the Stephenson's! I am so glad that I have had the opportunity to get to know you guys. Lots of love, Alisha or Miss Alisha :)

AmyPoll said...

How are things going? Where are you guys living now? Congrats to Dr. Phil!!! I am so happy for you guys. Good luck!!!

Jim said...

Your family is soooo adorable! We are going to miss you guys! I am glad I will be able to keep up on your family this way! If we ever make it to South Dakota, we will definitely call so you can show us around! Cubs won't be the same without you! Good luck in your next adventure and I can't wait to see your darling new baby! We love you guys!

Tiffany Walker said...

We didn't get to officially say goodbye! We will miss our little play dates. At least we have this so that we can keep in touch. I am so excited for your new adventure in South Dakota. Can't wait to see pictures of your new little one! You will be missed!