Jun 14, 2009


We beg of you please give us some ideas for boy names!

If this baby happened to come early, he seriously would not have a name! We are throwing around a few ideas, but honestly nothing really seems to fit or feel like "Yes, that's it!"

We are looking for a name that is solid, unique but not far out there, that he will be the only one with that name in his classes and not have every 5th boy with the same name...so not way common, but not completely made up. (I know some of our choices on the poll are common, but that's because we can't come up with anything else!)

I put a poll on the sidebar of our blog that we'd love for you to respond to. Just pick your favorite name. If you don't like any or you have suggestions then please comment and let us know! :)

For kicks, I'll add a 2nd poll with the names that either Phil or I came up with, but the other can't stand!



jackie holgate said...

Hi, well you know the names I like but I see they are not in the running. I like Beck and Ty. Dad likes Gavin. This will be interesting and fun to see the votes. Mom

AmyPoll said...

Good luck...Bart was a nightmare with name choosing...he would come up with the worst names!!! One of the kids on Devon's baseball team is named Griffin...I think that is a good and unique name.

Sarah said...

Hmmm...my good friend is always asking people to name their little boys Oliver because she loves the name. Luckily, I haven't had a boy so I didn't have to explain why we wouldn't be naming him Oliver! Why don't you just wait until he gets here? I usually name my girls after we've had them four or five days - we "try on" a name for a day to make sure that it fits. My youngest is named Evelyn and it wasn't even on our list before she was born.

hayley said...

Boy names are the hardest! I am like you, I like something unique but not too far out there:) But with boys its just harder to be creative because nothing sounds cute like it does when you get creative with girl names. My sister's little boy is Carden and I really like that name. My other sisters is Chase and I like that too! Good luck, come up with something good so I can copy you with my next boy! We are SO out of boy names. You are lucky you last name isn't as tricky as mine! Blain, Matix, Braun, Cobe, those are just a few I like but will dislikes

Brianna said...

I voted for Chase out of the ones you have on the side, but I also like Rhett, Brevin, Miles, and Cole.

These are all names we like, but can't use for one reason or another.

Brianna said...

Oh yeah, Brigg is cute too.

valerie said...

Humm... I wish I had some good boy names too. We can't agree on any.

TammyP said...

If we were having a boy we were going to name him Cooper.... I love that name!!! We missed you at the reunion!

Danette said...

I'm laughing reading through these comments. It's funny how everyone is so different in the names they like. I'm one for more unique names. In the end, whatever you name your kids, it seems to fit.
One of your friends dislikes Oliver, I love it. My girlfriend has a boy named Oliver and they call him Oli- super cute. Maybe the cuteness of the kid helps too.
I like Brooks (Keion's best friend in Kirksville had this name and we loved him), Owen and Liam. Can't wait to see what you decide to go with.