Oh my goodness, I never thought pulling teeth could be so traumatic! Gracie, you definitely take after your dad in this area. I loved pulling my teeth as a child. I'd work and work at them to get them loose. Now Phil, hated pulling his teeth. Gracie's permanent tooth was coming in behind her baby tooth and pointing towards her tongue. When I saw that I told Gracie she had to get that baby tooth out fast. She worked on that tooth for weeks, but couldn't get it out. She wouldn't even let me near her mouth to help her. And Phil refused to even be a part of it. Haha! Apparently he never grew out of that fear! I even went as far to call the dentist in front of her and discuss that we might have to take her in and have the dentist pull it. She was so angry at me for doing that! That thing must have hung on by a thread for days until one day she barely touched it and it came out. We of course screamed and cheered and celebrated! She wrote the Tooth Fairy a letter saying that this was her first tooth she's lost and she'd really like to keep it. The next morning Gracie came into our bedroom at the crack of dawn crying that the Tooth Fairy hadn't come. WHAT?! You mean the Tooth Fairy forgot to come on her first lost tooth? How awful! Seriously it was...I felt like crap. We explained that sometimes the Tooth Fairy gets really busy and can't make it to every kid on the first night, but when that happens she usually brings something really good on the second night. So that night the Tooth Fairy brought her a pack of bubble gum and $2.00 and she got to keep her tiny tooth. Phew! Um, I hope that doesn't happen again! The stress! The guilt! Talk about feeling like a horrible parent!
Goofy stage here we come! Embrace it! Love it!
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