Aug 13, 2010

August 6th ~ Chase's 1st Birthday!

Our little guy turned one!  We can hardly even believe a year has gone by already.  It has been so fun to see Chase's personality really shine through in the last month.  He is the funniest little guy!  Gracie and Parker adore him and he adores them.  It is such a blessing to watch them together and know that they truly love each other and that we all belong together as an eternal family...even Oscar. Haha! :)  I know that Gracie will appreciate me saying that when she reads this someday.  (Gracie considers Oscar one of my kids and that he deserves royal treatment...seriously!  She defends him and protects him if he ever gets in trouble.) 
Okay, anyway back to Chase! :)  We opened up his presents when Phil got home from work and then we had cake and ice cream.  He didn't quite know what to think about the presents.  He started eating the wrapping paper!  Gracie and Parker helped him unwrap them though.  He got an instrument set, some big cars, a ball/hammer thing that he hits the balls with the hammer into these holes and they role down, stacking cups, a learning helicopter, and some money.  He seemed a bit overwhelmed and needed a few "Mommy Fixes."(Explained below.)  When he ate the cake and ice cream it was so hysterical.  We all laughed and laughed watching him devour it the point that he even licked his plate clean.  I wanted Gracie and Parker to get real close on each side of him while he was eating so I could get a picture and Chase reached over and smeared his hand on Parker's face!  Parker along with the rest of us busted out in laughter...even Chase!  So much fun to watch!

The latest with Chase:
Loves to climb up and down the stairs.
Loves to get into everything he shouldn't, especially cupboards.
Loves to wrestle with anyone that is willing.
Has 8 teeth plus 4 more molars (top and bottom on each side) that have either just come through or are about to.
Still refuses to hold his bottle AND sippy cups.
My personal favorite:  He requires a "Mommy Fix."  He'll play for a bit and then crawls to me and cries until I pick him up, and then he sticks his cheek next to mine, his arm around my neck and sucks his thumb. It doesn't last long (unless I'm walking him around and then it's longer) and then he's on his way back to playing.  He does this all day long!  I LOVE IT!  (Well except when I'm trying to cook dinner and clean.)  :)
When he bonks his head, falls, or gets hurt, he sits up looks for anyone that is looking at him and then claps.
Says "Aw Oh" all the time and in the right context.  It's so funny!
He's eating lots of solid foods and trying new things all the time.  He loves bananas, whole wheat bread, watermelon, whole wheat Ritz crackers, pretzel sticks, yogurt, PB & J sandwiches, and sweet potatoes (the real deal, not the baby food).  (That's all I can think of for now.)
He likes to stand on his tippy toes and look out the window to watch the kids play in the front yard.
Loves going on walks and bike rides in the bike trailer.
Loves the bath.
Blows kisses.
Waves bye.
Won't lay down when he drinks his bottle (and hasn't for nearly 5 months).  He has to be sitting up.
Still puts everything in his mouth!
Stands without holding on to anything for a few seconds.
Has taken 2 steps a few times.
Dances by waving his left arm back and forth.
Loves to play with the phone and hold it up to his ear and breath real heavy as if he's saying hi.
Covers his eyes with his hands and plays "Peek a Boo."
Loves me to sing songs to him.
One yr. doctor appt:  Weighed 19.6 lbs.  Percentiles - 20% in height, 7% in weight, and 90% in head.  That's right I said 90% in head!  :)
Chase's nicknames:  Chasie, Chaser, Bubbalicious, Monkey, Turbo, Koda.
Chase, you came at a perfect time in our life.  You are a piece to our family puzzle and without you, we would not be complete.  You bring so much love and laughter into our lives.  Gracie and Parker love you so much and have been so patient with me (and you) as you have required a lot of my time this last year.  They do so much for you and love taking care of you and playing with you.  I hope that you will always look up to them and learn from them because they are great little people.  When Dad looks at you his face just glows with a huge smile.  If you aren't out of bed before he leaves for work he wants so bad to get you up and kiss and squeeze you.  You have such a determined personality.  Some days your determination is naughty, but with practice hopefully we can direct that into something positive! :)  You are so curious about everything.  It is going to take a lot of strength for me to discipline you and say no to you, because you make me laugh so hard.  Sometimes you will wake up at night crying and I don't have the heart to lay you back down and listen to you cry.  So I pick you up and rock you in the dark for a while and truly soak in every second of it because I know you will be grown up before we know it.  I honestly cherish those quiet cuddling moments I have with you and have to fight off the tears because my love for you is overwhelming.  We look forward to watching you grow and learn as you figure this world out.  We just wish we could keep you this age forever!  We thank our Heavenly Father every day that he loves us so much that he sent us you.  Happy Birthday sweet boy!


Unknown said...

He really is an angel pie. You really captured some cute pictures. I love it that you share your pictures and thoughts with us.I want some of those mommy fixes.....

Christina said...

Happy Birthday Chase!!!

He is so handsome! His face expressions are priceless. My favorite is blowing out the candles and eating the cake (the one under the candle). LOL!!

He is a good mix of Gracie and Parker. I still can't get over how cute he is! What a beautiful family you have.

Amy Mann said...

I can't believe he is 1. My how time flies!!! He is such a cutie, you definitely have a beautiful family. I am glad he had a good birthday, I love the pictures.

valerie said...

Wow he has grown up fast! What a little cutie. Great pictures!