Sep 20, 2009

Chase @ 1 Month

Well we are 3 for 3. Poor little Chase has colic and acid reflux just like his brother and sister did. Luckily his acid reflux doesn't come with the vomiting though. We have been giving him Gripe Water (which you can get at the pharmacy) and a prescribed Zantac. I have also stopped eating chocolate, broccoli, cauliflower, spicy foods, and dairy (because I'm nursing). It's so sad to see him in pain, so I'm glad that between all of these attempts he seems to be doing a little better.


jackie holgate said...

I need to kiss those cheeks. I'm really missing the kids.

Katherine said...

I'm so sorry about the colic! We used gripe water with Franny and Zantac and Reglan. And I basically went on a diet of bread and water for the first 2 or 3 months and then she was fine. He is so beautiful. OH MY GOSH! Breath-taking. That must help a little. ;)

hayley said...

That face!! I am dying, he is so adorable. His little expression says so much, what a cutie!!

Brianna said...

Marlee had colic an reflux too. I spent the first 3 1/2 months of her life holding her outward, bouncng her slightly up and down, and pacing up and down the street outside... wow did my neighbors pity me! I don't know what I would have done had it not been nice weather outside. In other words I feel for ya and remember... "this to shall pass!"