Sep 10, 2008

I Need Your Wisdom!

Okay, so we seem to have reached yet another phase in good old parenting! :) Parker is convinced the Grinch visits our house often as well as other monsters and villains. He is afraid of going into rooms that I'm not in. I've heard of getting rid of them with a spray bottle of water that has special monster protection powers, but I think Parker would get carried away and soak EVERYTHING! Any ideas on how to fight off these bad guys without actually giving him a toy gun?! :)


travdean said...

Poor Parker. That is pretty funny. Sorry Mandi, I have no advice. I visit your blog seeking parenting advice :)

Christina said...

Oh, that is a hard one. I wish I had some advice. Both are kids think monsters are nice, because we always tell them that Elmo in a monster and they like Monsters Inc.
Good Luck!!

I love all of your pictures. You look beautiful in everyone of them!

AmyPoll said...

That is a funny one...somehow (knock on wood) all three of my kids never dealt with that issue. Just remind him that monsters aren't real (or that they are nice) and maybe try a prayer with him asking to not let the monsters come to your house...that sometimes works with different things our kids are going through. Also, go around the house and show him that all the windows and doors are locked so that there is no way that a monster could get in. Hope this helps.

Mark, Holly and Boys said...

Hmmm...what does the little guy think about Monsters Inc.?

shanan said...

well all I can say is that when your kids are as cute as they are you mine as while lock them up. Although Gracie reminds me of Isabelle at that age. GOOD LUCK!!!